Fall Fitness Tips: If You Fall Get Back Up 💛

Fall is here! Sweatshirt weather. When mother nature changes her wardrobe, extends the dark, and puts a warm glow of sunlight into the air, a season of balancing light and dark begins, a time of transition and transforming. Our bodies like change or cycles. Getting into the fall season with a fitness routine in place will have you feeling rooted and grounded in good health. Fall and winter bring on colds and flu and your immune system needs a big boost before winter arrives. FYI: Holiday Bodies are made in the fall. What you do today will be your tomorrow. Today is a result of your yesterdays. Getting into a routine is easier than your mind is telling you. Fall Fitness Tips by Kathy Dolan: 💛 Sign up for a Bootcamp or Training with Friends . When you sign up with friends, the days and times you will be working out are all set. You will have the accountability of not only your Coach but your friends too. Real friends push each other! And it's more fun to su...