I really fell in love with yoga! YOGA WITH KATHY DOLAN · · While working as a full-time trainer at Snowcreek Athletic Club years back, I decided to try a yoga class on my day off. I will never forget my first yoga class with Kelly Doyle (McCoy). Such a sweet soul and amazing yoga leader. We did our class in the gym. In the same gym, I would train clients of all levels of fitness. I fell in love with the practice and learned it was much more than a stretching class. Yoga primes the body for weight lifting and any other activity you can imagine. It makes you better at knowing your body and it builds the mind-muscle for razor-like focus. If you find yourself running from, through, and towards your workouts with a feeling of dread, you most likely have lost touch with your body. I am certified in level 1 and level 2 YOGAFIT. I love Beth Shaw’s approach to yoga. It was this science-based format that made a difference for me. It is called the 3 mountain format. A ...