Tips on SPRING TRAINING for Health and Fitness

Spring it on! Let's shake off the long, cold days of winter and soak up the sunshine. Maybe you let your fitness slip during these colder months and put on a few pounds. Maybe you are suffering from snow fatigue and just can't find the energy to get moving. Don't be too hard on yourself. Start where you are. Ease into it. Just put something on your schedule this week, even if it's walking on your lunch hour. Update your podcast or playlist and grab your headphones while you do your abs. Time flys when you are listening to an interesting podcast that grabs your attention. Buy yourself a new pair of shoes or tights for some extra motivation.

Once you wake up to the excitement of spring, it's time to set some well-defined goals and get you on a program again! A clear sense of direction and map to get to your goals is important. Investing in health and fitness with both time and money is an investment that pays you with more energy, power, and happiness. Investing will ensure you stay on track. Fitness is a progression with a positive healthy contribution to your health. Studies show a solid system of accountability is important for your success. Having the guidance of an experienced coach will give you peace of mind. Try new and exciting formats, exercises and styles while keeping it safe. With the eye of a coach, you will feel an enhanced sense of motivation, increased accountability, expert support, increased intensity, and effectiveness. Variety to keep it interesting with explanations of the hows and whys of every exercise. Personalized health and fitness advice, safe workouts, and rapid results.

Train from home or gym with a friend!
2 workouts per week with a group
1 workout on your own
1  private coaching call per month
It's time to get back on the program.
Very little equipment needed.
Dumbells, bands, jump rope, pull up bands or bar, ball or Bosu.
Special Rate for returning POWERFIT ers!

Call/text me at (760) 258 6897 or email if you are interested!


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