Live Virtual Yoga from anywhere!

Yoga before bed. Yoga before work. Workout from where you are.
Perfect for travel and Moms with babies!
Kickbox, TRX, Yoga, Yoga Iron, Hiit
First Class is FREE! Sign up at Classitupfitness.comWhen searching for a Virtual Yoga Class, it's pretty much just like visiting a brick and mortar yoga studio.   Zoom in, look around, ask questions and check out the vibes. 

A good Virtual Studio Class experience will leave you feeling like you just had a convenient and quality fitness experience. The second best only to being in the studio live. Your instructor or trainer should know you by name or at the least, acknowledge your presence. If not you may as well be playing a DVD or watching YOUTUBE. Not that to say those are bad things if they work for you.

Virtual Yoga, Personal Training, Small Group Training, or any kind of training, is in a league all their own. The wave of the future. Peloton is cutting edge but really lacks the personal touch. Fitness Training apps won't ask you how that exercise feels on your back.

The greatest perk to virtual training is it overcomes time and geographical obstacles. No more driving to the gym because you can exercise from home or the office. Virtual Training opens up a world of choices in classes and trainers. Many of my clients are doing "Yoga For Sleep" right from their bedrooms. Namaste and goodnight!  Busy Moms pumping iron, right from the living room, while baby naps. No babysitter needed.

Have you ever said "I would work out if I had more time? Time is our biggest commodity. The number one reason inactivity sets in, faster than you hit  "JOIN'"  is lack of time. Virtual Online Coaching not only saves time but money. 

With a small investment, you can stock a "rollout mini-gym" that matches anything you get at the big box gyms. Miles of treadmills and cardio equipment should not impress. Just saying.

Fitness has evolved and getting on the treadmill for hours is just not as effective as cardio yoga, weight training, or a HIIT session. When you sign up for virtual training, you can take your coach to poolside and not only get a workout but get the benefit of being outdoors. You can spend time sweating with your sister who lives miles away or gather your squad for yoga. Schedule a small group health coaching call. Maybe you want to get the latest on hormone replacement, belly fat solutions, and a new workout plan.

So yes, Virtual Training can and will change your life. You must sign up for a few sessions before your gym renewal date. 

The Best Online Virtual Health Coaching includes yoga, meal plans, weight training, support, goal planning, and workout plans all from the comfort of home. High-quality coaching for high functioning individuals. I am are looking for 10 people who are ready to take their fitness to the next level. With the guidance of a Coach and the ability to strength train at home with a comprehensive, challenging full-body workout, you will achieve your goals and see results. All this without having to sacrifice quality for convenience. Click here to book a consultation today.

Kathy Dolan, ACE Fitness Pro, Health Coach, Personal Trainer, Yoga Instructor, is a self-employed business owner. Kathy Dolan is a master trainer with years of experience with the secrets to real results! You will find her teaching and training clients at a gym in the San Diego area or on the Class It Up Virtual Studio, and writing health and fitness programs for clients of all ages. She enjoys spending time with her three kids whether it’s in the mountains or on the seashore. 


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